Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Defeat of Unbelief

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in Sidetracked In The Wilderness - # 16
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  Why a blog?  So that multitudes can receive the weekly thoughts I express on Michael’s writings in an easy manner.  In the event you sign up to receive the weekly emails (see info at bottom) and then sometime in the future stop getting the emails, please remember you can go to the BLOGSITE and read each posting each week.  Then let me know (my email address below), and I will work to correct the problem.

Unbelief…the sad testimony of any human being who doesn’t believe God.  And as Michael points out, much of so many Christian’s “unbelieving” (defeat) is the result of bad definitions (and understanding) of key words in life as a Christian.


excerpt from pages 40-42 of SIW (5th printing, March 1998)
excerpt from pages 35-37 of SIW (14th printing, March 2012)
                   (used with permission from ALMI):

...As we turn to the Scriptures we find that there are three things Christ has accomplished for us.  First, through faith in Him we can be born again.  Second, through His blood we can be forgiven, and third, through His life we can be savedThere is a difference between the three; a person can possess full inclusion in the first two without participating in the third!  In fact. I believe that heaven will be filled with people who were forgiven and born again but never entered salvation in their daily lives.  They are those who did not find Jesus as daily Savior from vexing sins that control, the guilt that follows, and the unavoidable, inescapable bondage.

To understand what the term saved means, we must turn to the Old Testament.  In most cases it refers to being delivered from present conflict, circumstances, and enemies.  The people look for the God of their salvation.  When they cry out, they need help right then, not at a subsequent time such as when they reach heaven.  Being born again will get us into heaven (John 3), but we need salvation from the things that currently oppress us.

…The same, however, is true of the believer who embraces the message of the cross; that is, he will experience the saving power of the cross today…Being saved occurs in the present!

…When we understand what salvation means, the words of the angel in Matthew 1:21 have all the more meaning to us: “And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins.”  Salvation is to be a daily experience that must be supernatural.  We must believe what the Savior exhorts in John 15:5, “…apart from Me you can do nothing.”  But if we are full of unbelief, then those words will in our minds sound like a blessing but in our emotions sound like a curse.  Also, we will search for a savior other than Christ to free us from the bondage we are in.  In this condition, we cannot help but look in all the wrong places!

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Michael loved to say over and over: “We rise and fall on our definitions.”  And it is so incredible that the church, and individual Christians, are falling because of faulty definitions of so many crucial biblical words.  “Saved” is one of them.  In many circles the word, “saved,” has taken on one meaning: “saved from my sins, going to heaven one day.”  And very little, if any, appropriation of the Cross or the power of God’s salvation is experienced in daily living, certainly not “a daily experience that must be supernatural.”  And the almost exclusive use of this faulty definition has pretty much negated, or removed, the scriptural teaching of being “born again.”

Oh, that we could see a renewed emphasis of using “born again” when speaking of being delivered from our sin nature we were born with, and using “saved” when speaking of being saved from our sins of today…sins that control, the guilt that follows, and the unavoidable, inescapable bondage.  And in doing so, we would also be witnessing to those who don’t even know Christ about their need to begin a relationship with God ONLY through the new birth. Well, amen.
Note: if you don’t have one of Michael’s Sidetracked In The Wilderness books, please contact ALMI ( and get one today!

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

1737 CR 2051    Nacogdoches, Tx 75965                                               936-559-5696

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Unbelieving Believers

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in Sidetracked In The Wilderness - # 15
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  Why a blog?  So that multitudes can receive the weekly thoughts I express on Michael’s writings in an easy manner.  In the event you sign up to receive the weekly emails (see info at bottom) and then sometime in the future stop getting the emails, please remember you can go to the BLOGSITE and read each posting each week.  Then let me know (my email address below), and I will work to correct the problem.

I remember the first time I heard Michael mention this term, “unbelieving believers.”  Incredible.  Powerful.  Accurate.

As a pastor for many years, I have experienced Michael’s description of preaching to a congregation filled with unbelieving believers…  It is amazing how powerful our emotions are.  And how crushing they can be when they are working against us.

I hope this travel through chapter 4 of this great book will do something mighty in someone’s life…


excerpt from pages 38-40 of SIW (5th printing, March 1998)
excerpt from pages 33-35 of SIW (14th printing, March 2012)
                   (used with permission from ALMI):

Is there any defeat, failure, instance of depression, anxiety, frustration, or sin that does not have as its root unbelief?  I have asked this question to audiences all over the world, and have yet to find one.

…an unbelieving believer is someone who is a Christian, is born again, and will arrive in heaven; the problem is that this person has never believed in the Lord Jesus with his whole being…with his mind he received and believes all that is told him about the grace, care, concern, and love of the Lord Jesus – he is a believer.  And yet at the same time, he feels that he is in charge of every aspect of his Christian life…in his emotions he is unbelieving.

The Church today is full of such unbelieving believers…

It has been said that unbelief is the mother of every sin!...

…before we look at the source of unbelief, we must understand the effects of being unbelievers…

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Just thinking about the term, “unbelieving believers,” sends all sorts of thoughts and emotions through my mind and being.  What a sad testimony of life as a Christian.  How can it be?

Chapter 4 is almost 30 pages long…and Michael does a superb work in showing us all sorts of things about idols and idolatry, our concept of God, and ends with “It is a great step of faith to go against all the lying emotions you have concerning who God is and to just open that door to His life one time, for one time is all that it will take for you to discover the abundant life for which you have searched so long.”

Egads!  “lying emotions.”  No wonder “unbelieving believers” are so frustrated!  And as one other minister once told me, “in the emotions of our life is where the enemy gets his hooks in us.”  This walk through Chapter 4 will take some time…come and enjoy the journey!

Note: if you don’t have one of Michael’s Sidetracked In The Wilderness books, please contact ALMI ( and get one today!

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Getting Out of the Wilderness by logging onto  

If you desire to get a weekly email of this blog, look to the top right hand side of the web page, enter your email address in the box under “Follow,” then click on SUBMIT.  You will receive a “confirmation email,” and when you click on the link and “confirm,” you will receive all new posts via email.

NOTICE:  another blog on Michael Wells’ book, My Weakness For His Strength, called Living Life With a Capital “C”.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

1737 CR 2051    Nacogdoches, Tx 75965                                               936-559-5696

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Unseen Areas of Our Life

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in Sidetracked In The Wilderness - # 14
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  Why a blog?  So that multitudes can receive the weekly thoughts I express on Michael’s writings in an easy manner.  In the event you sign up to receive the weekly emails (see info at bottom) and then sometime in the future stop getting the emails, please remember you can go to the BLOGSITE and read each posting each week.  Then let me know (my email address below), and I will work to correct the problem.

“Mountaintop experience”…aaahhh, the buzz-word for Christians living in the flesh seeking for that “plus 6” life, as Michael calls it.  Notice what Michael describes as the “supernatural” life, and then the end result of those seeking the “mountaintop” all the time…


excerpt from pages 35-37 of SIW (5th printing, March 1998)
excerpt from pages 28-31 of SIW (14th printing, March 2012)
                   (used with permission from ALMI):

The supernatural life is manifested in the small, often unseen areas of our lives in such things as peace, mercy, and lack of condemnation when wronged.  The first few miracles that Moses performed were duplicated by Pharoah’s magicians.  In the same way, Satan can duplicate the large, spectacular signs and visions by which many judge spirituality.  We must remember that we have a relationship with our God.  But many have made this relationship out to be one continual mountaintop experience after another, and the drive to continue to duplicate these experiences has exposed them to all kinds of deceptions, not to mention a general dissatisfaction with their own lives.

most of us have never learned to rest in a relationship with the Lord when it is calm and quiet…This is all the more compounded in the groups that only give glowing, spectacular reports about what the Lord is doing and what great things they are hearing.  These people have come to believe that our relationship with the Lord is to be a continuous climactic arena, and they cannot rest and enjoy the simple aspects of their relationship with the Creator.

This becomes particularly confusing when it comes to knowing the will of God, which many strain for years trying to discern.  The problem is that they are waiting for
confirmation in their emotions, some vision, a dream, or a loud, distinct voice.  Here is a great secret: When we are in the perfect will of God, we hear and feel nothing.

…In chapter 2 we learned that the evil we did brought misery, discomfort, and defeat; but in this chapter we learned that all the maneuvers instigated in the attempt to do good have brought an equal amount of misery, discomfort, and defeat.  Most important, neither route requires faith.  If you can see these things, you are ready for the next chapter.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

 The mountaintop experience is a dangerous deception…it sounds, looks, and feels so appealing and spiritual, but Michael points out the most dangerous aspect: no faith required.  And God has simply told His kids: live by faith…not experiences.  So, the thing to do is to look for and desire the “unseen.”  And truthfully, when all else fails, don’t we really want peace, mercy, joy, love, faith, longsuffering, self-control, no condemnation, and lack of being offended…all fruit of the Holy Spirit…by the grace of God (His working in our life).  Not one experience, not one circumstance can bring those.  Well, amen.

And then think about the end result of chasing the deception: misery, discomfort, and defeat.  When will we learn to seek Him, and not an experience?

Note: if you don’t have one of Michael’s Sidetracked In The Wilderness books, please contact ALMI ( and get one today!

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Getting Out of the Wilderness by logging onto  

If you desire to get a weekly email of this blog, look to the top right hand side of the web page, enter your email address in the box under “Follow,” then click on SUBMIT.  You will receive a “confirmation email,” and when you click on the link and “confirm,” you will receive all new posts via email.

NOTICE:  another blog on Michael Wells’ book, My Weakness For His Strength, called Living Life With a Capital “C”.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

1737 CR 2051    Nacogdoches, Tx 75965                                               936-559-5696

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Living At Zero

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in Sidetracked In The Wilderness - # 13
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  Why a blog?  So that multitudes can receive the weekly thoughts I express on Michael’s writings in an easy manner.  In the event you sign up to receive the weekly emails (see info at bottom) and then sometime in the future stop getting the emails, please remember you can go to the BLOG SITE and read each posting each week.  Then let me know (my email address below), and I will work to correct the problem.

After showing Michael’s writing that there is no difference between “good” and “evil” in the previous discourse, today we look at the startling statement by Michael of “God’s ideal in terms of the scales we have just been discussing is ZERO.” (capital letters are my emphasis)

Wow!  How amazing!  Thank you, Michael.  Man has allowed the enemy to dictate a scale and the pattern of God’s acceptance…and rejection (?)…of our actions.  See what Michael says this leads to…


excerpt from pages 34 of SIW (5th printing, March 1998)
excerpt from pages 27-28 of SIW (14th printing, March 2012)
                   (used with permission from ALMI):

Since so few are acquainted with God’s pattern of acceptance and what that means for how they are to live their lives, it is easy for the enemy to toss us back and forth on the scale from plus to minus.  God’s ideal in terms of the scales we have just been discussing is a zero.  Yes, we are successful Christians when we are living at zero!

But again there is difficulty, for I fear we have allowed others to define zero for us.  We naturally assume that if we get up in the morning and our emotions are at a minus-six, then we must begin to plead with God until they arrive at a plus-six.  We have allowed the enemy or others to tell us that our emotions should be at a plus-six, so we ask Him to appear to us in our living rooms; we confess, repent, wallow in guilt, and perform a multitude of other gyrations all in hopes of getting feelings to a plus-six.  In so doing, we pass right through zero, where God wants them, and if we do drive them to a plus-six, it will not be long before they are at a minus-six once again.  The world would describe this as bipolar manic depression – a big name for eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The same thing happens with the mind.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Michael has given us the picture of the vast majority of people struggling day-by-day to live a “mountain-top experience” in life.  Life on a roller-coaster is the norm for most.  “Zero”…a peaceful, non-stressful, Spirit-filled life…is not even an option.  And it all has to do with focusing on the “good vs evil” complex instead of eating from the Tree of Life.  The idea that Christ is our life, Christ wants to be our life, or that Christ can even be anything other than Savior is a foreign concept to the vast majority of Christians.  Therefore, the individuals and the churches are shining examples of a worldly-influenced operation in motion.

Just as Michael has shown that many are “allowing others to define zero for us,” the church has “allowed others” (including the world) to define almost all of the finer characteristics of Christianity.   We must not let that happen.  God has given us His “way of life.”  It is the Life of Christ…the Tree of Life.  Well, amen.

Next time you find yourself on the roller-coaster of life…stop immediately and turn your focus to the peaceful, grace-giving Lord Jesus Christ.

Join in next week as we see Michael differentiating between the “mountain-top experience” and the supernatural life.  

Note: if you don’t have one of Michael’s Sidetracked In The Wilderness books, please contact ALMI ( and get one today!

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Getting Out of the Wilderness by logging onto  

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If you desire to get a weekly email of this blog, look to the top right hand side of the web page, enter your email address in the box under “Follow,” then click on SUBMIT.  You will receive a “confirmation email,” and when you click on the link and “confirm,” you will receive all new posts via email.

NOTICE:  another blog on Michael Wells’ book, My Weakness For His Strength, called Living Life With a Capital “C”.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

1737 CR 2051    Nacogdoches, Tx 75965                                                 936-559-5696