Monday, August 11, 2014

The Molding of Self-Life

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in Sidetracked In The Wilderness - # 31
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  Why a blog?  So that many can receive the weekly thoughts I express on Michael’s writings in an easy manner.

It’s almost funny how life teaches us so much.  Of course it is sad when we don’t see what it is teaching!  Folks have said for generations: “learn from history (the past) and don’t make the same mistakes.”  What do most do?  Never learn from history, make the same mistakes as someone (or self) did in the past.  Well, amen.


excerpt from pages 88-90 of SIW (5th printing, March 1998)
excerpt from pages 84-86 of SIW (14th printing, March 2012)
                   (used with permission from ALMI):

Past events affect most areas of life…We draw upon the past continually, and it will help us to understand the self that must be denied to realize identity messages of the past do have great significance today.

We all have received a variety of identity messages….the enemy will take every message and distort it in order that you might receive it as having the worst possible intent.

Many parents have been accused of giving their children negative identity messages that were never intended.  The enemy has merely seized the opportunity and, in the voice that sounds like the parents, told them something other than what was meant…

There is also a person’s peculiar grid of emotions to contend with…something is said…causing the person to hear what might not have been said at all…

…Once an identity is developed, we will begin to look for signals that verify it…

A child who receives the idea that he is not valuable may test this hypothesis by rebelling and staying out all night.  Under these circumstances, if the parents say nothing, or worse yet, say it would be better had the child not been born, this one will believe what he always suspected was true.  This can result in further defiance and even open doors for the enemy to tempt in the area of suicide, for the child is convinced that he has no worth.

In one of my first years of ministry I led the church to have a “garbage and baggage service.”  The whole idea was to come and dump all that everyone had been carrying around for a long time: the things, persons, “identities” (although we didn’t call them that at that time), bad memories, etc…onto the Cross of Christ.  Many did.  Some wanted to still hang on to those things.  Getting Past the Past is a big deal for so many.

But Michael gives us the start of “the past” that causes such difficulty: those identity messages given to us every which way we turn, by almost every person we come into contact with.  Take special note that so often they start at early childhood!

Oh how we should give due diligence to see that each and every person we know comes to discover this problem of identity messages given to them, and how to live in the present without the past dictating messages that defeat and be destructive…what could be worse than the temptation to commit suicide?

Note: if you don’t have one of Michael’s Sidetracked In The Wilderness books, please contact ALMI ( and get one today!

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Getting Out of the Wilderness by logging onto  

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

1737 CR 2051    Nacogdoches, Tx 75965                                               936-559-5696

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